I would like to thank you very much for some very reliable products. I have used CO NAME products in the past. However I was very disappointed to hear of your support of the homosexual agenda by advertising in HOMOSEXUAL PRODUCT.

I'm very concerned where our nation is heading when we have companies the size of COMPANY NAME giving in to this agenda. Furthermore I'm very worried about the world my children and grandchildren will be growing up in. Clearly this is not a lifestyle I which to condone and teach my children as acceptable. It is not a healthy behavior. In fact this lifestyle accounts for the majority of cases with STDs such as Hepatitis A & B, Gonorrhea, etc. In addition it has been reported that 65% of all reported AIDs cases since 1981 are among men engaged in homosexual behavior. Consequently homosexuals have a shorter life span, on and on. In conclusion I would like to ask you to reexamine the truth of homosexuality with ALL the facts in hand, apart from the half-truths and hostile name-calling.

The agenda put forth by the homosexual community in May 1993 when they marched to Washington D.C. and why they should be opposed is as follows:


Furthermore, the privilege of free speech is used by the activist homosexual lobby to promote its own opinions and agenda. However when the opposing community (majority of americans) exercises the same privilege they are labeled as bigots and intolerant.

The affects of condoning this agenda on companies and individuals:


In light of all this I would like to challenge your company to not pick sides on this issue but to only be fair and tolerant of others views and beliefs . I would like to encourage you to support traditional family organizations such as Focus on The Family, American Family Association, and Family Research Council also.

Thank you very much for your time,

Name Here

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