\n\nThe pictures of the dead young man were poignant and powerful: Matthew Shepard, a 21 year old student at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, was small, slight of build, and vulnerable in appearance.
\n\nIn contrast, his murder at the hands of convicted killers Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, both also 21, was brutal. After leaving a bar with the two men, Shepard was driven out to the lonely countryside tortured and pistol-whipped so badly that his skull was crushed. Tied to a fence post and left to die, Shepard's limp body appeared as first to be nothing more than a scarecrow to the passing cyclists who discovered him.
\n\nAlthough the Shepard murder was especially savage and any murder is certainly reprehensible, what brought the incident into the national spotlight was one simple fact; Matthew Shepard was a homosexual.
\n\nAs stated by Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby, "Shepard's slaying made headlines not because such things occur to gay men all the time, but because they don't. When a young man is beaten to death by antihomosexual bigots, it makes page 1, that is how unusual it is."
\n\nby Ed Vitagliano, AFA Journal July, 1999\n
List of House Republicans and Senators that supported hate crimes legislation.
This bill provides
funding for curriculum which teaches children that Christians are
perpetrators of hate.
NEWPro-Homosexual "Hate Crimes" Bill Awaits CA Governor's Signature
NEWHomosexuals closer to hate-crime protection
According to the FBI’s most recent
hate-crimes report (covering 1997) it
shows crimes based on race, religion,
sexual orientation or other biases to be
rare and down from the previous year. Out
of 13.2 million criminal offenses, hate
crimes accounted for well under one-tenth
of 1 percent- 8,049 incidents comprising
9,861 separate offenses. Though reports of
anti-gay crime were up slightly, they still
were scant-1,102 incidents and 1,375
separate offenses.
The very name “hate crimes” tends to
frighten politicians skittish about being
accused of softness on brutal acts such as
the much-publicized torture/murder of gay
student Matthew Shepard last October. Yet
there are serious reasons to object to
hate-crimes laws.
Sources: Focus On The Family, C.I.A., March 17, 1999 Vol. 2, Number 20,
Coral Ridge Ministries media, Inc. and AFA Journal, July 99
A "Hate Crimes" bill by any other name is still a hate crimes bill! The
latest hate crimes bill has been renamed, the "Local Law Enforcement
Enhancement Act." Conventional wisdom had the bill dead in the Senate until
it was introduced as an amendment to the Defense Authorization Act and was
passed as part of that package. Now the Act is headed for a vote in the
House. Why is there all this maneuvering, naming and re-naming of the same
bill? What is it about this Hate Crimes Legislation that seems to always be
clouded in darkness, cleverly disguised as something other than what it is?
Why did this latest hate crimes bill have to be included as part of a
national defense appropriations bill in order to get passed through the
These and other questions were addressed by Dr. D. James Kennedy in a recent
mailing and fact sheet as follows: "According to this latest Hate Crimes
Bill, what exactly is a "hate crime anyway?" It's whatever the government
decides it should be! If the government decides to go with the ACLU's
definition of "hate," then, in the not too distant future, a Christian could
conceivably be punished for even believing that homosexuality is a sin!
"Hate Crimes" legislation is nothing more than an opportunity for the
pro-homosexual movement to gain even more power in the courts and
legislative chambers of our nation ... and further repress expressions of
the beliefs of Christian people! Even a basic public reading of the New
Testament could one day be outlawed because of negative references to
homosexuality. Already, in Canada, which has gone down this road ahead of
us, it is illegal to read certain portions of Scripture on radio or TV
because of the homosexual movement's grip on the media.
Remember ... the "hate crimes" legislation is cleverly designed to punish
citizens not just for what they do, but for what they believe. The concept
of hate crimes is very simply this ... a person committing a violent crime
will receive extra punishment if the crime was motivated by thoughts that
the government deems unacceptable. While current law already addresses the
issue of race, color, religion and national origin, this latest bill creates
a new protected class of disability regarding sexual orientation. It gives
federal prosecutors greater power to step into local cases. Instead of
promoting justice, this bill serves the agenda of the powerful homosexual
lobby, which is moving hard to force public endorsement of their immoral
lifestyle. The First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech, was not
just meant to protect unpopular speech, but to allow the truth to be heard.
In their wisdom, the Founding Fathers understood that Truth is often the
most unpopular speech of all, so much so that they enshrined the right to
speak one's mind in the First Amendment to our Constitution. We cannot let
the homosexual movement intimidate Congress into passing a law that could
ultimately endanger our right to proclaim the truth!"
DATE: October 5, 2000
WHY I OPPOSE HATE CRIMES LEGISLATION: In this age of politically-
correct reasoning, it has become fashionable to support hate crimes
legislation because - on the surface - such laws would help to
curtail violent crimes against targeted minorities. However, as with
most issues, one must look below the surface of hate crimes laws to
distinguish what is the ultimate consequence of their passage. I
believe that those individuals who brutalize, vandalize or kill - for
whatever reasons - should be swiftly punished to the fullest extent
of the law. But politicizing such individuals' actions, in my
opinion, is dangerous and reckless. In fact, the ultimate victims of
hate crimes laws will be religious conservatives who embrace the
Bible as their ultimate authority. We need look no further than
Canada to understand how hate crimes have created an environment that
is hostile to Christians.
My Old Time Gospel Hour broadcast has aired weekly in Canada for
thirty years. However, today I cannot air the same broadcast there
that is utilized here in the U.S. In the Canadian broadcast, I
cannot mention anything regarding homosexuality or partial-birth
abortion because the government there has enacted far-reaching laws
that prevent any criticism of those issues. Even though the Bible is
very clear on the sanctity of human life and presents a clear design
for sexual morality, the Canadian government shuns those biblical
tenets because they are offensive to protected classes of
Christian organizations are facing severe legal threats in Canada.
As a prime example, a private Christian school in Canada is currently
involved in a legal showdown because it upholds biblical guidelines
of behavior for its students. The observance of these biblical
values has led to the legal confrontation between Trinity Western
University and the British Columbia College of Teachers. The
College, which sets professional standards for public school
teachers, has balked at certifying the teaching program at Trinity
simply because the university's code of conduct forbids homosexual
activity. The College of Teachers ruled that the code will produce
teachers who are likely to discriminate against homosexual students.
This is nothing but double-speak - with no legal precedent - that is
designed to malign Christians.
On the other hand, a Canadian school board is presently being coerced
to include three books with same-sex characters into the school
library. While a few American schools have chosen to utilize similar
books, the difference is that, in Canada, the British Columbia
Supreme Court overturned the Surrey School Board's ban on the books
(although the Court of Appeal later upheld an appeal by the board).
The Court of Appeal ruled that teachers may voluntarily use books
dealing with same-sex families in the classroom.
Attorney Gwen Brodsky, who represents EGALE (Equality for Gays and
Lesbians Everywhere), a Canadian homosexual-rights organization,
said, "In fact, the Court of Appeal makes it clear that school boards
have a positive duty to espouse the values in the Constitution,
including the constitutional principle of non-discrimination based on
sexual orientation. Under the terms of this ruling, the Surrey
School Board is not permitted to interfere with the professional
judgment of teachers who choose to use the books in the classroom to
teach about the diversity of Canadian family life."
Ultimately, EGALE wants all schools to be required to maintain the
books. Christians in America should learn an important lesson from
our northern neighbors. Politicians there - many with good
intentions - have created an environment that is antagonistic toward
those who choose to recognize God's laws. And I see our nation
following in this same perilous path.
Already in our nation, the Boy Scouts of America have faced the wrath
of homosexual-rights groups who oppose the group's morality
requirement for leaders - a provision that prohibits homosexual
behavior. Homosexual leaders charge that such a morality clause is
motivated by "hate." Last week, a Manhattan school district barred
schools from sponsoring Boy Scout troops because the organization
excludes homosexuals. There is potential for this resolution to be
adopted statewide. The Boy Scouts continue to be targeted by
homosexuals and leftist social engineers solely because the
organization attempts to create a moral and principled environment
for young boys to learn to be upright future leaders.
Those who adhere to Judeo-Christian standards of living are being
portrayed as hate-filled bigoted villains who need to have their
thoughts, their speech, their beliefs and their actions regulated by
the government.
As his presidential tenure comes to a close, Bill Clinton is sternly
pressuring Congress to enact new hate crime legislation in our
nation, specifically the so-called Hate Crimes Protection Act. I
pray that he fails - not because I embrace hate-motivated crimes, but
because the laws camouflage a dangerous political effort that could
ultimately silence millions of Americans.
Timothy J. Dailey of the Family Research Council said that such hate
crimes laws would have "a chilling effect" on free speech by making
currently unpopular ideas a basis for harsher treatment of criminal
"Opponents frequently assert that federal 'hate crime' legislation
such as HCPA would prohibit only acts of violence, not speech," he
said. "However, HCPA would incorporate current federal law, which
already specifically includes speech, making it unlawful to injure,
intimidate, or interfere with any person because of his or her 'race,
color, religion, or national origin.'"
Mr. Dailey noted that the Hate Crimes Reporting Act of 1990 mandated
that the FBI include "intimidation."
"Nearly half of the 'hate crimes' in the 1997 FBI statistics are in
this category," he stated. "Passage of HCPA would make name-calling
literally a federal offense."
Under this law, a minister who preached from Romans Chapter 1 - a
chapter that expressly forbids the practice of homosexuality - could
be slapped with a hate crimes offense.
That is why Christians need to beware of such laws.
A nation with such a splendid history of political debate and social
deliberation should not be in the business of silencing the views,
opinions - and even words - of a vast segment of the population
simply because that group espouses contrary beliefs. In this regard,
hate crimes laws are not only dangerous, they are downright un-
The pictures of the dead young man were poignant and powerful: Matthew Shepard, a 21 year old student at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, was small, slight of build, and vulnerable in appearance.
In contrast, his murder at the hands of convicted killers Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, both also 21, was brutal. After leaving a bar with the two men, Shepard was driven out to the lonely countryside tortured and pistol-whipped so badly that his skull was crushed. Tied to a fence post and left to die, Shepard's limp body appeared as first to be nothing more than a scarecrow to the passing cyclists who discovered him.
Although the Shepard murder was especially savage and any murder is certainly reprehensible, what brought the incident into the national spotlight was one simple fact; Matthew Shepard was a homosexual.
As stated by Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby, "Shepard's slaying made headlines not because such things occur to gay men all the time, but because they don't. When a young man is beaten to death by antihomosexual bigots, it makes page 1, that is how unusual it is."
by Ed Vitagliano, AFA Journal July, 1999
A Dutch gay rights group filed a complaint
in an Amsterdam court accusing Pope John
Paul II of discriminating vs. homosexuals.
What did the Pope say? The Pope said over
weekend (7/8/00)that "Homosexual acts are
against the laws of nature." That, according
the Dutch group, amounted to an incitement
hatred & discrimination. The Dutch court
said it
would study the complaint, including
how far the incitements were at the disposal
a Dutch audience. They added that the Pope,
a non-Dutch person, might get off the hook
that reason.
Homosexuals may defile churches and
insult a Pope with obscenities, but the
mildest disapproval of sodomy itself must
be crushed. Just a bit of hypocrisy and
double standards
To some activists, “it is strategically advantageous to be recognized as disadvantaged and victimized,” New York University criminologists James Jacob’s and Kimberly Potter wrote in their book, Hate Crimes: Criminal Law & Identity Politics (Oxford University Press, 1998). “the greater a group’s victimization, the stronger its moral claim on the rest of society.” Ironically, hate-crimes laws can foster the very tension they claim to fight.
"It is extremely unwise to include the category of sexual orientation in hate-crimes legislation," This elevates sexual behavior and certain predispositions to immoral sexual behavior to the status of a civil-rights category. The message that that sends is a very bad one."
HRC's Hate Crimes page See what the homosexual activists are up to.
Traditonal Values Hate Crime page (More talking points).
Hate Crime Laws by States
A Hate Crime By Any Other Name ...
The "Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act of 2000" also nicknamed "Hate
Crimes" is still in committee but could come before the House for a vote
prior to the end of September. Call your Congressman and express your
opinion on this important bill. E-mail your congressman now.
FROM: Jerry Falwell
This page
is to be used as talking points for
countering the aggressive homosexual
activists and politicians that clearly want
to over ride our religious convictions and
belief that homosexuality is immoral and in
no way should be condoned or accepted by
society as normal. PWTL calls for tolerance
of all peoples view points and beliefs about
homosexuality, but not necessarily having
to agree or change ours. In no way does
PWTL condone violence or ridicule towards
homosexuals. As people of faith we must put
on our armor and take a stand against the
schemes of this movement. We must
understand it, and be prepared so that as
the day comes we are able to give an answer
each and every time.