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We are dedicated to the service of people of
faith so they may take practical action in
their communities, and nation, in defense of
religious liberty and beliefs.
Since 1968, homosexual activists have increasingly challenged the traditional biblical view of homosexual behavior. The homosexual Christian movement, as it is called, began nearly 30 years ago when Troy Perry, a former Pentecostal minister and a practicing homosexual, founded the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC), the first pro-homosexual denomination. To date, the UFMCC has grown from one church with an original congregation of 12 to more than 300 churches with 42,000 members. Homosexual activists have since formed other denominations, such as the National Gay Pentecostal Alliance (NGPA), and have been active within many mainstream denominations.
Homosexual activists within the church are demanding that homosexuality be accepted and struck from the list of sins the church holds its parishioners accountable to.
The homosexual Christian movement:
- Declares that homosexuality is a "gift" from God, not a sin.
- Is re-writing all and interpretations of scripture having to do with homosexuality.
- Disputes the historic position of the church toward homosexual behavior and wants homosexual marriages condoned by the Christian church.
Last updated 8/12/00
Mel White, a homosexual activist who
operates a group called Soulforce, was
quoted in the July 3 edition of Time
magazine discussing denominations'
stance on homosexuality: 'We don't debate
anymore. You change your policies, or we're
going to split you apart and leave."
(from FNIF 7/17/00 "Pope Stand Against
Homosexuality" by Lara mcGovern)
It is clear here that their plans are to
split the church, which is contrary to what God
would want. Paul wrote in 1Cor.chapter 1
vs10; "I appeal to you, brothers, in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you
agree with one another, so that there may be
no divisions among you and that you may be
perfectly united in mind and thought."
(New Internation Version)
- Anglican church: This United Kingdom church is moving toward
ordaining practicing homosexuals. The General Synod is reconsidering
traditional teaching on homosexuality.
- Catholic church: Holds its ground that homosexuality is wrong
but is fighting pro-homosexual groups such as Dignity/USA from within.
- Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): is considering opening
positions of Church leadership to practicing homosexuals.
- Evangelical Lutheran Church: Includes several ordained
pastors who are practicing homosexuals.
- Episcopal Church: Many bishops have indicated that
homosexuality should be embraced by the church.
The Episcopal Church approved a resolution to support and
minister to gays and lesbians in committed,
monogamous relationships on June 2000. David
Anderson, of the American Anglican Council,
a more conservative group within the
Episcopal Church said "Its a travesty to
place cohabiting relationships - either
heterosexual and homosexual - on par with
marriage."From Citizen Issues Alert
- Mennonite church: Since 1976, the Brethren/Mennonite
Council for Lesbian and Gay Concerns has been promoting
homosexuality within the Mennonite church.
- Presbyterian Church (USA): Currently fighting a movement
within the denomination to normalize homosexual behavior. Some
Presbyterian congregations openly support the ordination of practicing
homosexuals. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church (USA) on June 30, 2000 was dominated
by discussions over homosexual marriage, however they voted
overwhelmingly to prohibit same-sex unions.
- United Methodist: Released a letter in early 1997 titled "In All Things Charity," which states, "The practice of homosexuality is not in itself incompatible with Christian teaching."
- United Church of Christ: 1970's began ordaining practicing homosexuals into the clergy.
- Integrity and authority of Scripture: Whether attempting to twist the meaning of specific scriptural passages or questioning the reliability of the Bible, pro-homosexual activists are putting "man in the position of determining what is true…in the Bible. The pro-homosexual claim that biblical teaching is subject to the review of our own conscience as it stands before God, is a humanistic elevation of man over God and His word.
- The family unit: homosexual Christian activism challenges the heterosexual, monogamous union as the norm for human sexual relations and the establishment of a family. Any move to abandon heterosexual marriage as normative would pit the church against the family.
- Sexual morality: the sexual ethic as articulated by Scripture calls for human sexuality to be exclusively expressed within the bonds of heterosexual, lifelong, monogamous marriage. The homosexual Christian movement wants the church to reject this ethic as the guiding absolute standard of sexual behavior. Rejection of the sexual ethic would seriously inhibit the church's ability to speak to issues of sexual morality, leaving in its place no foundational principle upon which to sand.
- Societal stability: researcher J. D. Unwin examined nearly 100 civilizations in his study Sexual Regulations and Cultural Behavior, he found that cultural vitality is directly related to a society's adherence to the biblical principle of heterosexual monogamy.
- Divides: by embracing homosexual Christian ideology, churches risk marginalization of or outright schism with members who dissent from pro-homosexual theology. Ordination of practicing homosexuals and the blessing of same-sex unions would do irreparable damage to the church, tearing apart denominations as clergy and congregations divide over the issue of homosexual behavior. (The results of which only the enemy of the church (Satan) would be happy with.
Source: "The Bible and Homosexuality", by Ben Irwin, FRC pocket policy.
Romans 1:26-27
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women
exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men
also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust
for one another. men committed indecent acts with other men, and
received in themselve the due penalty for their perversion.
(New International Version)
Concerning the above scripture, Soulforce, a well known
homosexual movement within the church teaches that; Paul was unaware
of the distinction between sexual orientation, over which one has
apparently very little choice, and sexual behavior, over which one does,
and that Paul knew nothing of the modern psychosexual understanding
of homosexuals as persons whose orientation is fixed early in life, or
perhaps even genetically in some cases. For such person, having
heterosexual relations would be acting contrary to nature, "leaving,"
"giving up" or exchanging" their natural sexual orientation for one that
was unnatural to them.
Christianity teaches that Paul was inspired by God to write scripture,
therefore it was not just Paul penning the book of Romans but God
himself, through Paul. Soulforce is saying that man in all his knowledge
and technology has found out something God did not know and must not
believe the Bible to be the true word of God.
For more info read soulforce's article here!