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More pages coming on; Ex Gay Movement,
Homosexuality and the Bible, Homosexual
Activism and its Agenda, Supreme Court and
Homosexual Decisions, The American
Physiological Association and Homosexuality.
Having lost in the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled in June 2000 that the Boy Scouts, a private organization, were within their constitutional rights to bar homosexuals as scoutmasters, homosexual activists retreated from the federal courtroom to re-deploy their forces at the state and local level. In other words, homosexual rights activists are willing to do all they can to ostracize or even destroy the Boy Scouts unless the almost-century old organization both nullifies its pledge to be "morally straight" and abandons its central mission to teach young boys what George A. Davidson, a lawyer for the organization, described to the Supreme Court as "true manliness" - a man's responsibility in marriage and fatherhood. Such principles may sound uproariously quaint and beyond corny to society's moral relativists, but they remain even now an anchor against civilization's drift into unfettered decadence.
NEW San Franciso scout council defies homosexual ban
NEWHomosexual convention targets grade-school kids
-NEW GOP Shelves Expansion Of Law on Hate Crimes
--NEWVermont Governor may get the boot--
--AT&T targets middle schools with pro-homosexual message--
Complete Voting Record for Hate Crimes Bill---
NEWMost companies are supporting the Scouts
Reno: Boy Scouts Can Hold Jamborees on Federal Land.
NEW---Pro-Homosexual "Hate Crimes" Bill Awaits CA Governor's Signature ---
NEW Scout Leader admits sex with boys
Media's homosexual bias?
Will and Grace Slams People of Faith
NEW--Gay friendly tv shows.--
--AFA Asks Governors to Investigate Gay Agenda in Public Schools--
---New AFA Video Tells the Truth About Homosexuality---
---Facts About Homosexual Life-Style---
How Homosexual Activists Intend to Capture the Next Generation - by Ed Vitagliano
The Shocking Truth About Homosexuality In School Curricula>
|Diversity in the workplace.|
| Christians and Politics. |
|Homosexuality: How Should the Church Respond?|
|Dr. Laura|
|Is Homosexuality Genetic?|
Support the Boy Scouts and contact your United Way office!
List of organizations that have dropped funding for Boy Scouts.
Republicans on Oct 6, 2000 stripped language expanding federal hate crimes laws from the defense authorization bill for this year,
dimming and possibly dooming prospects for enactment of the measure before Congress adjourns.
Thank Armed Services Committee Chairman John W. Warner (R-Va) at email: senator@warner.senate.gov
NEWRead Washington Post Article
(source - Washington Times 8/25/00)
Talking points for reasons organizations should not drop support for the boy scouts.
Scouting for All is a homosexual activist group trying to make the boy scouts conform to their view of morality. Located in Petaluma, California,Scouting for All was formed by Scott Cozza after he was banned as a leader from scouting because of his activist role in promoting homosexuals as leaders and members of the BSA. Steven Cozza, his 15-year old son, is an Eagle Scout and has become the poster child of the organization. He has been touring the country as a guest speaker at many homosexual activist events. Scouting for All has been gathering signatures for a petition denouncing the BSA policy on homosexuality. (WorldNetDaily.com)
Scouting for all page. Homosexual activist's web page, see what they are planing and saying.
Scouting Legal Defense Fund
Save the Scouts page
List of organizations to email that are have dropped funding
scoutingforall.com (This page is to counter the other homosexual activists "scoutingforall" web page).
Support The Boys Scouts and confront United Way.
Save our scouts"Hall of Shame"-more detailed info on groups withdrawing support.
Sample letter for U.W or corporations dropping the boy scouts. (cut and paste)
Sample letter to send to Cities or Mayors
Boy scouts home page
Founders of Scouting
Scouting and congress. List of representatives in scouting.
Fact Sheets on Scouts
Read emails sent back to PWTL
is the biblical basis for social concern?
Why should Christians get involved? In the
end there are only two possible attitudes
which Christians can adopt towards the
world: Escape and Engagement...'Escape'
means turning our backs on the world in
rejection, washing our hands of it...and
steeling our hearts against its agonized
cries for help. In contrast,'engagement'
means turning our faces towards the world
in compassion, getting our hands dirty, sore
and worn in its service, and feeling deep
within us the stirring of the love of which
cannot be contained. ...
If we truly love our neighbors, and because
of their worth desire to serve them, we shall
be concerned for their total welfare, the
well-being of their soul, their body and
their community. And our concern will lead
to practical programs."
-- John R. W. Stott, Decisive Issues Facing Christians Today (Grand Rapids, MI: Revell, 1995), pp. 14, 19.
According to Rick Scarborough in his book, "Enough is Enough" he states many reasons;
He further states in his book; "I am amazed at how ignorant most Americans are when it comes to what the homosexuals truly want of our nation. If the American public could attend one gay rights parade down the streets of New York City, San Francisco or even on the steps of our nation's Capital in Washington, D.C., I am convinced the debate would be over."
This page is to be used as talking points for countering the aggressive homosexual activists and politicians that clearly want to over ride our religious convictions and belief that homosexuality is immoral and in no way should be condoned or accepted by society as normal. PWTL calls for tolerance of all peoples view points and beliefs about homosexuality, but not necessarily having to agree or change ours. In no way does PWTL condone violence or ridicule towards homosexuals. As people of faith we must put on our armor and take a stand against the schemes of this movement. We must understand it, and be prepared so that as the day comes we are able to give an answer each and every time.
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