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should not drop support for the boy scouts.
\n- They are not a hate group.\n\n
- One of the conditions of the free society is that we tolerate groups with which we disagree. Not pull support and pressure them to conform.\n
- The Boy Scouts are at work in communities all across America- distributing food to the poor, recycling, visiting nursing homes and hospitals, teaching kindness and helpfulness to others. They do not condemn those with views that differ from their own. Yet they face relentless attacks because others refuse to respect their views. (FRC)\n
- The Supreme Court has already ruled that their not wanting to have gay leaders is a protected First Amendment right.\n
- Could be considered religious discrimination, since this comes from a moral religious belief that homosexulaity is wrong.\n
- Sexual orientation, nondiscrimination laws and diversity policies have always been about raw power, in order to force acceptance of homosexuality, especially from religious based organizations.\n\n
- If corporations really have a nondiscrimination policy then why is it not broad enough to include "morally striaght" boy scouts?\n
- Penalizing the scouts is passing judgement on the scout's beliefs.\n
- Safety of the children in the scouts should be the main consideration, not the homosexual agenda.\n\n
- Child sexual molestation is three times more common among homosexuals then among heterosexuals, according to the report, "The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children in "The Journal of Sex and Martial Therapy," number 1 for 1992 (Worldnetdaily).\n\n
- The boy scouts are doing what they feel as in the best interest of our children.\n\n
- The mainstream of society is for the scout's policy, although the media would lead you to believe otherwise. Some 1,385 United Ways nationwide continues to fund the Boy Scouts as they have always done. About 15 (1 percent) have recently modified their funding of the Scouts, and of the 17,000 school districts in the U.S. only about 10 (.0005%) have punished the scouts in some way. Even less percentage of Corporate America has pulled support. Also, more parents then ever are currently enrolling their boys in the scouts realizing what a great influence they are. Enrollment is up over 7% to 6.2 million members, with over 47,000 Eagle Scout awards earned, both are record highs\n\n
- Homosexuality has nothing good to offer boy scouts.\n\n
- "Withdrawing funds could be harmful to thousands of children." As Mr. Finn from Chase Manhattan Bank has stated.\n\n
- Boy scouts do numerous community improvement projects that benefit our nation.\n
- It is unfair and extreme to treat the Boy Scouts of America as if it were the Ku Klux Klan.\n
- The homosexual lobby is overplaying its hand by showing such extreme intolerance while purporting to want tolerance. It has no right to try to force itself on the Scouts.\n
- When you look at what the Boy Scouts have been doing for 90 years, you'll see there is a lot of good out there.\n
- If the boy scouts espouse a system of values that will change at the least bit of pressure, then what good are those values? (C. Edgar)\n
- Kids should not have to pay the price. (Especially the poor inner-city children)\n
- The scouts are in the business of serving children, think about who you are serving.\n
- The belief that a homosexual is not a proper role model for our boys is far from being unreasonable.\n
- We need to put a stop to this nonsense. If we make the protection of the rights of every possible minority opinion in America\n more important than good common sense, we will soon have no set\n of values or ethics to offer America's youth.\n
Boy Scouts
We are dedicated to the service of people of
faith so they may take practical action in
their communities, and nation, in defense of
religious liberty and beliefs.

Having lost in the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled in June 2000 that the Boy Scouts, a private organization, were within their constitutional rights to bar homosexuals as scoutmasters, homosexual activists retreated from the federal courtroom to re-deploy their forces at the state and local level. In other words, homosexual rights activists are willing to do all they can to ostracize or even destroy the Boy Scouts unless the almost-century old organization both nullifies its pledge to be "morally straight" and abandons its central mission to teach young boys what George A. Davidson, a lawyer for the organization, described to the Supreme Court as "true manliness" - a man's responsibility in marriage and fatherhood. Such principles may sound uproariously quaint and beyond corny to society's moral relativists, but they remain even now an anchor against civilization's drift into unfettered decadence.
(source - Washington Times 8/25/00)
Read a summary of attack on Boy Scouts

Talking points for reasons corporations
should not drop support for the boy scouts.
- They are not a hate group.
- One of the conditions of the free society is that we tolerate groups with which we disagree. Not pull support and pressure them to conform.
- The Boy Scouts are at work in communities all across America- distributing food to the poor, recycling, visiting nursing homes and hospitals, teaching kindness and helpfulness to others. They do not condemn those with views that differ from their own. Yet they face relentless attacks because others refuse to respect their views. (FRC)
- The Supreme Court has already ruled that their not wanting to have gay leaders is a protected First Amendment right.
- Could be considered religious discrimination, since this comes from a moral religious belief that homosexulaity is wrong.
- Sexual orientation, nondiscrimination laws and diversity policies have always been about raw power, in order to force acceptance of homosexuality, especially from religious based organizations.
- If corporations really have a nondiscrimination policy then why is it not broad enough to include "morally striaght" boy scouts?
- Penalizing the scouts is passing judgement on the scout's beliefs.
- Safety of the children in the scouts should be the main consideration, not the homosexual agenda.
- Child sexual molestation is three times more common among homosexuals then among heterosexuals, according to the report, "The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children in "The Journal of Sex and Martial Therapy," number 1 for 1992 (Worldnetdaily).
- The boy scouts are doing what they feel as in the best interest of our children.
- The mainstream of society is for the scout's policy, although the media would lead you to believe otherwise. Some 1,385 United Ways nationwide continues to fund the Boy Scouts as they have always done. About 15 (1 percent) have recently modified their funding of the Scouts, and of the 17,000 school districts in the U.S. only about 10 (.0005%) have punished the scouts in some way. Even less percentage of Corporate America has pulled support. Also, more parents then ever are currently enrolling their boys in the scouts realizing what a great influence they are. Enrollment is up over 7% to 6.2 million members, with over 47,000 Eagle Scout awards earned, both are record highs
- Homosexuality has nothing good to offer boy scouts.
- "Withdrawing funds could be harmful to thousands of children." As Mr. Finn from Chase Manhattan Bank has stated.
- Boy scouts do numerous community improvement projects that benefit our nation.
- It is unfair and extreme to treat the Boy Scouts of America as if it were the Ku Klux Klan.
- The homosexual lobby is overplaying its hand by showing such extreme intolerance while purporting to want tolerance. It has no right to try to force itself on the Scouts.
- When you look at what the Boy Scouts have been doing for 90 years, you'll see there is a lot of good out there.
- If the boy scouts espouse a system of values that will change at the least bit of pressure, then what good are those values? (C. Edgar)
- Kids should not have to pay the price. (Especially the poor inner-city children)
- The scouts are in the business of serving children, think about who you are serving.
- The belief that a homosexual is not a proper role model for our boys is far from being unreasonable.
- We need to put a stop to this nonsense. If we make the protection of the rights of every possible minority opinion in America
more important than good common sense, we will soon have no set
of values or ethics to offer America's youth.
1)United Methodist Church - 2)Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
3)The Public Schools - 4)Catholic Church
Just about every denomination in the United States is represented in Scouting in some way. As of Dec 31, 1999: United Methodist Church had 424,102 members - LDS Church 415,630 - Public schools 380,241 - Catholic Church 356,850 - Parent Teach Groups 183,492 - Lutheran Church 150,389 - Presbyterian Church 145,510 - Baptist Church 118,284 - Pta 94,322 - Episcopal Church 51,609. (Source: BSA chartered organizations report)
Scouting for All is a homosexual activist group trying to make the boy scouts conform to their view of morality.
Located in Petaluma, California,Scouting for All was formed by Scott
Cozza after he was banned as a leader from scouting because of his
activist role in promoting homosexuals as leaders and members of the BSA.
Steven Cozza, his 15-year old son, is an Eagle Scout and has become the
poster child of the organization. He has been touring the country as a
guest speaker at many homosexual activist events. Scouting for All has
been gathering signatures for a petition denouncing the BSA policy on
homosexuality. (WorldNetDaily.com)
Scouting for all page. Homosexual activist's web page, see what they are planing and saying.
"The beauty of the United States is that
this is a land of freedom and liberty. If you don't like what the Boy Scouts
are doing, you have the freedom to join a different organization, or even
form your own. We are a nation of differences, and that is what makes us
strong. Those who are trying to force people to believe the same as
everyone else are themselves deceived. Those who shout at the Boy
Scouts of America and call them intolerant are themselves intolerant.
No individual, no city, no state, and certainly not the federal government
can force any private organization to believe something they do not wish
to believe. That is just plain wrong. It is not what America is about."
By David Bresnahan of WorldNetDaily.com
" They're just a small group with a loud voice, we are not going to change our position to mollify a small group when there are millions who have supported Scouting all along and who continue to support us"
Jeff Reilly National BSA spokesman
"The Boy Scouts of America since 1910 have taught traditional family values, We feel that an avowed homosexual isn't a role model for those values."
Gregg Shields a National BSA spokesman
Child sexual molestation is more than three times more common among homosexuals than among heterosexuals, according to the report, "The Proportions of Heterosexual and Homosexual Pedophiles among Sex Offenders against Children" in "The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy," number 1 for 1992.

Save the Scouts page
Scouting Legal Defense Fund
scoutingforall.com (This page is to counter the other homosexual activists "scoutingforall" web page).
Support The Boys Scouts and confront United Way.
List of corporations dropping funding
Save our scouts"Hall of Shame"-more detailed info on groups withdrawing support.
Sample letter for U.W or corporations dropping the boy scouts. (cut and paste)
Sample letter to send to Cities or Mayors
Boy scouts home page
Founders of Scouting
Scouting and congress. List of representatives in scouting.
Fact Sheets on Scouts
Read emails sent back to PWTL
Scouts are rooted in religion
NEWScouts reject 2 gay men as leaders.Two gay men from Fort Lauderdale went to Boy Scout headquarters in Miami Lakes on Friday, Sept 22, 2000, and applied to be troop leaders.
Homosexual group tries to squelch websit.
ACLU sues to block Scouts from using San Diego land.
The boy scouts and sexual predators
Scout Leader admits sex with boys
Funding Cuts and more U.W. info
Homosexuals target Boy Scouts
Eagle Scouts drop Clinton signature.
Child molester leads 'gays' in Scout protest
This page
is to be used as talking points for
countering the aggressive homosexual
activists and politicians that clearly want
to over ride our religious convictions and
belief that homosexuality is immoral and in
no way should be condoned or accepted by
society as normal. PWTL calls for tolerance
of all peoples view points and beliefs about
homosexuality, but not necessarily having
to agree or change ours. In no way does
PWTL condone violence or ridicule towards
homosexuals. As people of faith we must put
on our armor and take a stand against the
schemes of this movement. We must
understand it, and be prepared so that as
the day comes we are able to give an answer
each and every time.